Профессиональный курс деловой.. Часть 1

    Помощь и консультация с учебными работами

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    1. The seller has a right to re — sale the goods when
    2. A party may not assign his duties under a contract, nor may a person assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence. Replace the part «nor may. cofidence» without changing the meaning:
    3. An agent appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by public auction, for a reward, generally in the form of a commission is called…
    4. The seller warrants to the buyer…
    5. If the seller reserves… until certain conditions are fulfilled, the property in the goods will not pass until conditions have been fulfilled.
    6. In a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be free from any charge and incumbrance in favour of any third party,… the circumstances of the contract are such as to show a different intention.
    7. … is a member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own behalf.
    8. … is one whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transter the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price.
    9. It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.
    10. An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,… can one appointed to buy property or sell that belongs to himself.
    11. The seller also warrants that the goods are free from…
    12. When a deed is delivered subject to a condition, it is called an «escrow». Replace «subject to a condition» without changing the meaning:
    13. Each lot is… a separate contract of sale.
    14. … the lamps and desks, we will deliver the goods as agreed.
    15. To create a warranty we need.
    16. A person is said to… when he is in such a position that the goods may be retaken from him at pleasure.
    17. The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the… of one of the parties.
    18. I have just received a letter…
    19. A factor is…
    20. We were pleased to receive your letter… it helped us a lot.
    21. When the contract is for the supply of manufactured goods, they must be of…
    22. The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to «lien» is:
    23. The term «void contract» is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace «since» without changing the meaning:
    24. A… is an agent, generally located in a seaport town, who is appointed by shipowners to carry out and perform all the necessary transactions connected with the business of their vessels whilst they are in harbour.
    25. The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace «speciality contract» by the right synonym:
    26. If A invites B to his house, it is not an offer in the contractual sense, because it does not amount to the entering into the contractual relation. Replace «because» by the right synonym:
    27. We are extremely sorry… the contract.
    28. The vendor may praise his goods, provided that the buyer shall have a full and fair opportunity of inspection. Replace «provided» by the right synonym:
    29. … Belongs to the seller who is unpaid, and can be excercised by him either by retaking possession of goods or by preventing the transmission of goods to the buyer.
    30. We look forward… receiving the drills.
    31. There was… in sales.
    32. … are existing goods referred to by description
    33. It was our fault. Please… once again.
    34. A contract is a valid one provided it possesses certain requirements, for example, legality and capacity. Replace «provided» without changing the meaning:
    35. We’ ll try to correct our mistake…
    36. Choose the correct statement.
    37. At common law there was no implied warranty or… the subject matter of a contract of sale was fit for any particular purpose.
    38. A broker is an agent employed to buy or to sell goods for… for brokerage.
    39. When no principal is disclosed, the auctioneer may sue in his own name. «Disclosed» means:
    40. If the goods were identified and agreed upon the time the contract of sale is made, the goods are called…
    41. Before selling goods…
    42. … is a member of London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on behalf of a principal.
    43. «Property» means:
    44. If the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is not one of sale, but of….
    45. A member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own begalf is known as…
    46. The consideration of a contract of sale must be….
    47. If the goods are not specifically identified, but referred to by description the goods are called…
    48. The third section provides that capacity to buy and sell is regulated by the general law concerning cappacity to contract and to transfer and acquire property. Here «provides that» means:
    49. I owe appretiative thanks to Mr. B, a well — known specialist upon… pollution control.
    50. I am writing… the latest sale.

    The seller has a right to re — sale the goods when

    • the buyer refuses to repay for the goods
    • the customer refuses the goods within a reasonable time
    • the broker refuses to buy the goods
    • the buyer within a reasonable time refuses to pay for the goods.

    A party may not assign his duties under a contract, nor may a person assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence. Replace the part «nor may. cofidence» without changing the meaning:

    • A person may not assign rights involving personal confidence nor.
    • A person may assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence either.
    • A person may not assign rights involving relationships of personal cofidence either.
    • A person may assign rights involving relationships of personal confidence nor.

    An agent appointed by the seller to sell goods, either privately or by public auction, for a reward, generally in the form of a commission is called…

    • An auction.
    • The principal.
    • An auctioneer.
    • A stock.

    The seller warrants to the buyer…

    • quiet enjoyment of the goods
    • quiet using of the goods
    • quiet use of the goods
    • quiete enjoyment of the goods

    If the seller reserves… until certain conditions are fulfilled, the property in the goods will not pass until conditions have been fulfilled.

    • The right to retake the goods at pleasure.
    • The right of warranty.
    • The right of disposal of the goods.
    • The right of custody of the goods.

    In a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the goods shall be free from any charge and incumbrance in favour of any third party,… the circumstances of the contract are such as to show a different intention.

    • Of.
    • To.
    • Unless.
    • Without. Circle the letter of the word that makes the given statement correct.

    … is a member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own behalf.

    • a auctioneer
    • a stockjobber
    • a stockbroker
    • a principal

    … is one whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transter the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called the price.

    • A contract of bargain.
    • Sale.
    • A contract of sale.
    • A contract of delivery.

    It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.

    • Chose in action.
    • Valuation .
    • Exchange and barter.
    • Sale.

    An agent who is employed to sell property cannot sell to himself,… can one appointed to buy property or sell that belongs to himself.

    • nor
    • neither
    • for
    • not Put the words and phrases in the correct order.

    The seller also warrants that the goods are free from…

    • any third parties changing it
    • any change or incumbrance in favour of third parties
    • any charge or incumbrance in favour of third parties
    • any charge or incumbrance in favour of third parties which is declared.

    When a deed is delivered subject to a condition, it is called an «escrow». Replace «subject to a condition» without changing the meaning:

    • If there are certain subjects to make clear.
    • Provided that a certain condition is to be fulfilled.
    • Subjecting to a condition.
    • Provided that the delivery time is not subject to change.

    Each lot is… a separate contract of sale.

    • Subjects to.
    • Subject of.
    • The subject to.
    • The subject of.

    … the lamps and desks, we will deliver the goods as agreed.

    • with regard to
    • on regard to
    • in regard to
    • with regard on

    To create a warranty we need.

    • a set of conditions
    • a particular form of words
    • the right of disposal of the goods
    • no particular form of words

    A person is said to… when he is in such a position that the goods may be retaken from him at pleasure.

    • Act on behalf of the buyer.
    • Have the «custody» of goods.
    • Be entitled to claim damages.
    • Create a warranty.

    The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the… of one of the parties.

    • default
    • fault
    • deadfall
    • defall

    I have just received a letter…

    • with apologies
    • with apologising
    • all apologies
    • off apologising

    A factor is…

    • A member or the London Stock Exchange.
    • An agent who has no anthority to give warranties and receive payments.
    • A certain payment for one’ s labour.
    • A person who is employed to buy, sell or deal with goods or merchandise.

    We were pleased to receive your letter… it helped us a lot.

    • of
    • for
    • at
    • so as

    When the contract is for the supply of manufactured goods, they must be of…

    • merchantable quantity
    • selling quality
    • merchantable quality
    • merchantisable quality

    The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to «lien» is:

    • Detention.
    • «Future goods».
    • Fault.
    • Re — sale.

    The term «void contract» is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace «since» without changing the meaning:

    • Except if.
    • Or.
    • Nor.
    • For.

    A… is an agent, generally located in a seaport town, who is appointed by shipowners to carry out and perform all the necessary transactions connected with the business of their vessels whilst they are in harbour.

    • seabroker
    • shipagent
    • boatbroker
    • shipbroker

    The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace «speciality contract» by the right synonym:

    • Diminution.
    • Consideration.
    • Seal.
    • Deed.

    If A invites B to his house, it is not an offer in the contractual sense, because it does not amount to the entering into the contractual relation. Replace «because» by the right synonym:

    • Due to.
    • Because of.
    • On account of.
    • For.

    We are extremely sorry… the contract.

    • what we lost
    • at losing
    • behind losing
    • that we lost

    The vendor may praise his goods, provided that the buyer shall have a full and fair opportunity of inspection. Replace «provided» by the right synonym:

    • Still.
    • Besides.
    • However.
    • Providing.

    … Belongs to the seller who is unpaid, and can be excercised by him either by retaking possession of goods or by preventing the transmission of goods to the buyer.

    • Appreciation.
    • Deliverry.
    • Stoppage in transity.
    • Appropriation.

    We look forward… receiving the drills.

    • to
    • on
    • at
    • with

    There was… in sales.

    • a drop
    • a rice
    • a raise
    • a rise

    … are existing goods referred to by description

    • unascertained goods
    • non — identified goods
    • uncertain goods
    • ascertained goods

    It was our fault. Please… once again.

    • accept our apologies
    • expect our apologies
    • except our apologies
    • accept our apologising

    A contract is a valid one provided it possesses certain requirements, for example, legality and capacity. Replace «provided» without changing the meaning:

    • If providing.
    • Provides.
    • If provided.
    • Providing that.

    We’ ll try to correct our mistake…

    • as soon like possible
    • as possible as soon
    • as soon as possible
    • as quick as possible

    Choose the correct statement.

    • A thief is in possession of an article which he has stolen but the property is still in the original owner.
    • A thief possesses the property which he had stolen but the article of the possession is still in the original owner
    • A thief is in the possession of the property in goods which he has stolen. The property is not in the original owner anymore.
    • A thief is not in possession of an article which he has stolen but the owner is.

    At common law there was no implied warranty or… the subject matter of a contract of sale was fit for any particular purpose.

    • Provided that.
    • Condition that.
    • Providing.
    • On condition that.

    A broker is an agent employed to buy or to sell goods for… for brokerage.

    • other people
    • commission agent
    • an auctioneers
    • a stockjobber

    When no principal is disclosed, the auctioneer may sue in his own name. «Disclosed» means:

    • Requested.
    • Made known.
    • Chosen.
    • Needed.

    If the goods were identified and agreed upon the time the contract of sale is made, the goods are called…

    • Ready for delivery.
    • Unascertained.
    • Specific.
    • Ascertained.

    Before selling goods…

    • it is necessary to weigh the goods and give a notice of it to the buyer
    • it is not necessary to put the goods into deliverable state
    • it is necessary to put the goods into deliverable state
    • it is necessary to put the goods into proper state

    … is a member of London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on behalf of a principal.

    • a stockjobber
    • a stockbroker
    • a factor
    • a stock agent

    «Property» means:

    • Chose in action.
    • An article that is stolen.
    • Complete ownership in the goods.
    • Possession.

    If the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is not one of sale, but of….

    • bargain and sale
    • contract of exchange
    • contract of barter
    • exchange and barter

    A member of the London Stock Exchange who buys and sells on his own begalf is known as…

    • A brokage.
    • A stockiobber.
    • A share.
    • A stock.

    The consideration of a contract of sale must be….

    • shares
    • bargain and sale
    • sale and delivery
    • money

    If the goods are not specifically identified, but referred to by description the goods are called…

    • Ascertained.
    • Unpaid.
    • Specified.
    • Unascertained.

    The third section provides that capacity to buy and sell is regulated by the general law concerning cappacity to contract and to transfer and acquire property. Here «provides that» means:

    • Gives something needed or useful.
    • Denies that.
    • Introduces a new opinion on the subject.
    • States that.

    I owe appretiative thanks to Mr. B, a well — known specialist upon… pollution control.

    • Subject to.
    • Field to.
    • The subject of.
    • Subject of.

    I am writing… the latest sale.

    • in connection with
    • in connection to
    • with connection to
    • in connection of
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        Бонусная программа.
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        Полезные материалы.
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        Бесплатная консультация.
      Практика студента – с нами твоя учеба станет легче и приятнее!