- Find the right translation for the following word: “нечестный”.
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “And they have sworn a solemn oath.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “sour.”
- Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “get; have lent or granted to oneself.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “How do people see them in your culture: as pets, as a nuisance, or in some other way?”
- Find the right definition to the following word: “scatterbrain.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “enemy.”
- Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “largest four-footed animal now living, with curved ivory tusks and a long trunk.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “дóма”.
- Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Romeo and Juliet.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “The boss criticized her.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “pit.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “A nameless feline with a taste for travel flew for three weeks between New York and Tel Aviv in 1984.”
- Find the right definition to the following word: “to discuss.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He was looking at me.”
- Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “sudden violent movements of the earth’s surface.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard the latest news?”
- Find the right translation for the following phrase: “вглядываться в”.
- Find the right translation for the following phrase: “what should I do.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “New York is a man of steel with murder in his eyes.”
- Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Antony and Cleopatra.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “tune.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Cats seem to be able to sense earthquakes.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “в соответствии”.
- Find the right translation for the following word: “forgery.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard anything of the kind?”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “will.”
- Find the right definition to the following word: “oath.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “вместо”.
- Find the right translation for the following word: “нетерпеливый”.
- Find the right definition to the following word: “laughter.”
- Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “make or become better.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “What will you be doing at that time?”
- Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s plays “As You Like It.”
- Find the right translation for the following sentence: “Oн, должно быть, обсуждает (что-то)”.
- Find the right translation for the following word: “сладкий”.
- Find the right translation for the following word: “стирка”.
- Find the right translation for the following word: “лапы”.
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He married Jean Armour.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He is talking with his co-workers.”
- Find the right definition to the following word: “to criticize.”
- Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Two Gentlemen of Verona.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “flame.”
- Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “They will be waiting for you.”
- Find the right definition to the following word: “rhythm.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “chide.”
- Find the right translation for the following word: “колено”.
- Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “fast-running field animal with long ears and a divided upper lip, larger than rabbit.”
- Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Hamlet.”
- Find the right translation for the following phrase: “им все равно”.
Find the right translation for the following word: “нечестный”.
- injustice
- irregular
- unfair
- affair
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “And they have sworn a solemn oath.”
- Present Indefinite
- Present Perfect
- Past Indefinite
- Past Perfect
Find the right translation for the following word: “sour.”
- сладкий
- соленый
- горький
- кислый
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “get; have lent or granted to oneself.”
- get
- buy
- obtain
- take
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “How do people see them in your culture: as pets, as a nuisance, or in some other way?”
- Present Perfect
- Past Continuous
- Present Indefinite
- Present Continuous
Find the right definition to the following word: “scatterbrain.”
- person who can’t keep his thoughts on one subject for long
- list or statement of details, especially of times for doing things
- person who before the invention of printing, made copies of writings
- part cut off
Find the right translation for the following word: “enemy.”
- друг
- враг
- партнер
- соперник
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “largest four-footed animal now living, with curved ivory tusks and a long trunk.”
- giraffe
- elephant
- antelope
- horse
Find the right translation for the following word: “дóма”.
- outdoors
- indoors
- inside
- outside
Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Romeo and Juliet.”
- Tragedy
- History
- Thriller
- Comedy
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “The boss criticized her.”
- Past Continuous
- Present Indefinite
- Past Indefinite
- Past Perfect
Find the right translation for the following word: “pit.”
- край
- шахта
- яма
- колодец
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “A nameless feline with a taste for travel flew for three weeks between New York and Tel Aviv in 1984.”
- Past Perfect
- Past Indefinite
- Past Continuous
- Present Indefinite
Find the right definition to the following word: “to discuss.”
- refuse to believe or have confidence in
- examine and argue about
- look on with contempt
- see clearly
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He was looking at me.”
- Past Continuous
- Past Indefinite
- Present Perfect Continuous
- Present Continuous
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “sudden violent movements of the earth’s surface.”
- shake
- earthquake
- shiver
- tremor
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard the latest news?”
- Past Indefinite
- Past Perfect
- Present Indefinite
- Present Perfect
Find the right translation for the following phrase: “вглядываться в”.
- look
- observe
- watch
- gaze into
Find the right translation for the following phrase: “what should I do.”
- что мне следует делать
- куда мне идти
- как дальше жить
- что со мной будет
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “New York is a man of steel with murder in his eyes.”
- Present Indefinite
- Present Perfect
- Present Continuous
- Past Continuous
Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Antony and Cleopatra.”
- Tragedy
- Comedy
- Thriller
- History
Find the right translation for the following word: “tune.”
- музыка
- мелодия
- тон
- ритм
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Cats seem to be able to sense earthquakes.”
- Present Continuous
- Present Perfect
- Past Continuous
- Present Indefinite
Find the right translation for the following word: “в соответствии”.
- instead
- according
- opposite
- accordance
Find the right translation for the following word: “forgery.”
- проказа
- подкоп
- поджег
- подлог
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard anything of the kind?”
- Present Indefinite
- Present Perfect
- Past Indefinite
- Past Perfect
Find the right translation for the following word: “will.”
- сила
- подлог
- воля
- разум
Find the right definition to the following word: “oath.”
- solemn declaration that something is true
- speech
- declaration of feelings
- obedient words
Find the right translation for the following word: “вместо”.
- versus
- in spite
- instead
- despite
Find the right translation for the following word: “нетерпеливый”.
- patient
- impatient
- improper
- designed
Find the right definition to the following word: “laughter.”
- smile
- laughing
- screaming
- crying with joy
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “make or become better.”
- impress
- work hard
- improvise
- improve
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “What will you be doing at that time?”
- Present Continuous
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Continuous
- Future Indefinite
Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s plays “As You Like It.”
- Tragedy
- Comedy
- Thriller
- History
Find the right translation for the following sentence: “Oн, должно быть, обсуждает (что-то)”.
- he is discussing
- he must discuss
- he must be discussing
- he must have discussed
Find the right translation for the following word: “сладкий”.
- sweet
- sugar
- salty
- sweat
Find the right translation for the following word: “стирка”.
- washing cycle
- washing machine
- wash-cycle
- water-cycle
Find the right translation for the following word: “лапы”.
- paws
- arms
- feet
- legs
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He married Jean Armour.”
- Past Indefinite
- Present Indefinite
- Past Continuous
- Past Perfect
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He is talking with his co-workers.”
- Present Indefinite
- Present Continuous
- Past Continuous
- Present Perfect
Find the right definition to the following word: “to criticize.”
- form and give a judgement of; find fault with
- complain
- take and keep a firm hold of; seize firmly
- move (the body) back or down in fear
Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Two Gentlemen of Verona.”
- Comedy
- Thriller
- Tragedy
- History
Find the right translation for the following word: “flame.”
- костер
- пламя
- пожар
- огонь
Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “They will be waiting for you.”
- Future Indefinite
- Present Continuous
- Future Perfect Continuous
- Future Continuous
Find the right definition to the following word: “rhythm.”
- sameness of sound of the endings of two or more words at the ends of lines of verse
- regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds or movements
- using words impressively in speech or writing
- recompense for service or merit
Find the right translation for the following word: “chide.”
- критика
- восхвалять
- укор
- упрекать
Find the right translation for the following word: “колено”.
- lap
- let
- lot
- lip
Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “fast-running field animal with long ears and a divided upper lip, larger than rabbit.”
- cat
- dog
- fox
- hare
Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Hamlet.”
- Comedy
- History
- Tragedy
- Thriller
Find the right translation for the following phrase: “им все равно”.
- to care
- they don’t stare
- have enough to do
- they don’t care