ПКВЯз. Английский язык. Домашнее чтение. Часть 1

    Помощь и консультация с учебными работами

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    1. Find the right translation for the following word: “нечестный”.
    2. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “And they have sworn a solemn oath.”
    3. Find the right translation for the following word: “sour.”
    4. Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “get; have lent or granted to oneself.”
    5. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “How do people see them in your culture: as pets, as a nuisance, or in some other way?”
    6. Find the right definition to the following word: “scatterbrain.”
    7. Find the right translation for the following word: “enemy.”
    8. Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “largest four-footed animal now living, with curved ivory tusks and a long trunk.”
    9. Find the right translation for the following word: “дóма”.
    10. Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Romeo and Juliet.”
    11. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “The boss criticized her.”
    12. Find the right translation for the following word: “pit.”
    13. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “A nameless feline with a taste for travel flew for three weeks between New York and Tel Aviv in 1984.”
    14. Find the right definition to the following word: “to discuss.”
    15. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He was looking at me.”
    16. Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “sudden violent movements of the earth’s surface.”
    17. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard the latest news?”
    18. Find the right translation for the following phrase: “вглядываться в”.
    19. Find the right translation for the following phrase: “what should I do.”
    20. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “New York is a man of steel with murder in his eyes.”
    21. Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Antony and Cleopatra.”
    22. Find the right translation for the following word: “tune.”
    23. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Cats seem to be able to sense earthquakes.”
    24. Find the right translation for the following word: “в соответствии”.
    25. Find the right translation for the following word: “forgery.”
    26. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard anything of the kind?”
    27. Find the right translation for the following word: “will.”
    28. Find the right definition to the following word: “oath.”
    29. Find the right translation for the following word: “вместо”.
    30. Find the right translation for the following word: “нетерпеливый”.
    31. Find the right definition to the following word: “laughter.”
    32. Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “make or become better.”
    33. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “What will you be doing at that time?”
    34. Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s plays “As You Like It.”
    35. Find the right translation for the following sentence: “Oн, должно быть, обсуждает (что-то)”.
    36. Find the right translation for the following word: “сладкий”.
    37. Find the right translation for the following word: “стирка”.
    38. Find the right translation for the following word: “лапы”.
    39. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He married Jean Armour.”
    40. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He is talking with his co-workers.”
    41. Find the right definition to the following word: “to criticize.”
    42. Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Two Gentlemen of Verona.”
    43. Find the right translation for the following word: “flame.”
    44. Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “They will be waiting for you.”
    45. Find the right definition to the following word: “rhythm.”
    46. Find the right translation for the following word: “chide.”
    47. Find the right translation for the following word: “колено”.
    48. Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “fast-running field animal with long ears and a divided upper lip, larger than rabbit.”
    49. Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Hamlet.”
    50. Find the right translation for the following phrase: “им все равно”.

    Find the right translation for the following word: “нечестный”.

    • injustice
    • irregular
    • unfair
    • affair

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “And they have sworn a solemn oath.”

    • Present Indefinite
    • Present Perfect
    • Past Indefinite
    • Past Perfect

    Find the right translation for the following word: “sour.”

    • сладкий
    • соленый
    • горький
    • кислый

    Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “get; have lent or granted to oneself.”

    • get
    • buy
    • obtain
    • take

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “How do people see them in your culture: as pets, as a nuisance, or in some other way?”

    • Present Perfect
    • Past Continuous
    • Present Indefinite
    • Present Continuous

    Find the right definition to the following word: “scatterbrain.”

    • person who can’t keep his thoughts on one subject for long
    • list or statement of details, especially of times for doing things
    • person who before the invention of printing, made copies of writings
    • part cut off

    Find the right translation for the following word: “enemy.”

    • друг
    • враг
    • партнер
    • соперник

    Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “largest four-footed animal now living, with curved ivory tusks and a long trunk.”

    • giraffe
    • elephant
    • antelope
    • horse

    Find the right translation for the following word: “дóма”.

    • outdoors
    • indoors
    • inside
    • outside

    Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Romeo and Juliet.”

    • Tragedy
    • History
    • Thriller
    • Comedy

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “The boss criticized her.”

    • Past Continuous
    • Present Indefinite
    • Past Indefinite
    • Past Perfect

    Find the right translation for the following word: “pit.”

    • край
    • шахта
    • яма
    • колодец

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “A nameless feline with a taste for travel flew for three weeks between New York and Tel Aviv in 1984.”

    • Past Perfect
    • Past Indefinite
    • Past Continuous
    • Present Indefinite

    Find the right definition to the following word: “to discuss.”

    • refuse to believe or have confidence in
    • examine and argue about
    • look on with contempt
    • see clearly

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He was looking at me.”

    • Past Continuous
    • Past Indefinite
    • Present Perfect Continuous
    • Present Continuous

    Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “sudden violent movements of the earth’s surface.”

    • shake
    • earthquake
    • shiver
    • tremor

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard the latest news?”

    • Past Indefinite
    • Past Perfect
    • Present Indefinite
    • Present Perfect

    Find the right translation for the following phrase: “вглядываться в”.

    • look
    • observe
    • watch
    • gaze into

    Find the right translation for the following phrase: “what should I do.”

    • что мне следует делать
    • куда мне идти
    • как дальше жить
    • что со мной будет

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “New York is a man of steel with murder in his eyes.”

    • Present Indefinite
    • Present Perfect
    • Present Continuous
    • Past Continuous

    Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Antony and Cleopatra.”

    • Tragedy
    • Comedy
    • Thriller
    • History

    Find the right translation for the following word: “tune.”

    • музыка
    • мелодия
    • тон
    • ритм

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Cats seem to be able to sense earthquakes.”

    • Present Continuous
    • Present Perfect
    • Past Continuous
    • Present Indefinite

    Find the right translation for the following word: “в соответствии”.

    • instead
    • according
    • opposite
    • accordance

    Find the right translation for the following word: “forgery.”

    • проказа
    • подкоп
    • поджег
    • подлог

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “Have you heard anything of the kind?”

    • Present Indefinite
    • Present Perfect
    • Past Indefinite
    • Past Perfect

    Find the right translation for the following word: “will.”

    • сила
    • подлог
    • воля
    • разум

    Find the right definition to the following word: “oath.”

    • solemn declaration that something is true
    • speech
    • declaration of feelings
    • obedient words

    Find the right translation for the following word: “вместо”.

    • versus
    • in spite
    • instead
    • despite

    Find the right translation for the following word: “нетерпеливый”.

    • patient
    • impatient
    • improper
    • designed

    Find the right definition to the following word: “laughter.”

    • smile
    • laughing
    • screaming
    • crying with joy

    Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “make or become better.”

    • impress
    • work hard
    • improvise
    • improve

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “What will you be doing at that time?”

    • Present Continuous
    • Future Perfect Continuous
    • Future Continuous
    • Future Indefinite

    Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s plays “As You Like It.”

    • Tragedy
    • Comedy
    • Thriller
    • History

    Find the right translation for the following sentence: “Oн, должно быть, обсуждает (что-то)”.

    • he is discussing
    • he must discuss
    • he must be discussing
    • he must have discussed

    Find the right translation for the following word: “сладкий”.

    • sweet
    • sugar
    • salty
    • sweat

    Find the right translation for the following word: “стирка”.

    • washing cycle
    • washing machine
    • wash-cycle
    • water-cycle

    Find the right translation for the following word: “лапы”.

    • paws
    • arms
    • feet
    • legs

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He married Jean Armour.”

    • Past Indefinite
    • Present Indefinite
    • Past Continuous
    • Past Perfect

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “He is talking with his co-workers.”

    • Present Indefinite
    • Present Continuous
    • Past Continuous
    • Present Perfect

    Find the right definition to the following word: “to criticize.”

    • form and give a judgement of; find fault with
    • complain
    • take and keep a firm hold of; seize firmly
    • move (the body) back or down in fear

    Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Two Gentlemen of Verona.”

    • Comedy
    • Thriller
    • Tragedy
    • History

    Find the right translation for the following word: “flame.”

    • костер
    • пламя
    • пожар
    • огонь

    Define in what tense the verb is used in the following sentence: “They will be waiting for you.”

    • Future Indefinite
    • Present Continuous
    • Future Perfect Continuous
    • Future Continuous

    Find the right definition to the following word: “rhythm.”

    • sameness of sound of the endings of two or more words at the ends of lines of verse
    • regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds or movements
    • using words impressively in speech or writing
    • recompense for service or merit

    Find the right translation for the following word: “chide.”

    • критика
    • восхвалять
    • укор
    • упрекать

    Find the right translation for the following word: “колено”.

    • lap
    • let
    • lot
    • lip

    Find the right word that corresponds to the following definition: “fast-running field animal with long ears and a divided upper lip, larger than rabbit.”

    • cat
    • dog
    • fox
    • hare

    Choose the genre of Shakespeare’s play: “Hamlet.”

    • Comedy
    • History
    • Tragedy
    • Thriller

    Find the right translation for the following phrase: “им все равно”.

    • to care
    • they don’t stare
    • have enough to do
    • they don’t care
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        Поможем успешно сдать тесты и экзамены любой сложности с оплатой по факту получения оценки.
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      • Гарантия возврата.
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      • Прозрачность процесса.
        Ты сможешь отслеживать выполнение своей работы в личном кабинете.
        Прозрачность процесса.
      • Работаем официально.
        Мы – зарегистрированная компания, заключаем договор на оказание услуг, что гарантирует твою безопасность.
        Работаем официально.
      • Отзывы реальных студентов.
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        Отзывы реальных студентов.
      • Бонусная программа.
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        Бонусная программа.
      • Полезные материалы.
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        Полезные материалы.
      • Бесплатная консультация.
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        Бесплатная консультация.
      Практика студента – с нами твоя учеба станет легче и приятнее!