Международная финансовая система. Часть 1

    Помощь и консультация с учебными работами

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    1. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to lessen in any way, as in size, weight, amount, value, price etc. “is …
    2. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the quality or state of being distinctly seen; the capability of being seen through; the quality of being easily recognized, obvious” is …
    3. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “on the border between being profitable and nonprofitable” is …
    4. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to urge; to stimulate to action, greater effort, etc.” is …
    5. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «доход по бумагам с фиксированным доходом»
    6. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «вновь вернуться к жизни»
    7. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to change so as to fit, conform, make suitable, etc.” is …
    8. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «состояние платежного баланса»
    9. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “anything owned that has exchange value; (in plural) all the entries on a balance sheet showing the entire resources of a person or business, including accounts and notes receivable, cash, inventory, equipment, real estate, etc.” is …
    10. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «в широком смысле»
    11. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a long, narrow, deep cleft or crack” is …
    12. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «поддерживать баланс»
    13. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «привилегированные акции»
    14. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «исполнять опцион»
    15. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «реструктурирование долга»
    16. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “receiving or tending to receive, take in, admit or contain” is …
    17. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to do without; manage without” is …
    18. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to estimate the value, worth, strength, capacity, etc.; appraise” is …
    19. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «вступать в силу»
    20. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to stop, especially temporarily” is …
    21. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to distribute in shares or according to a plan; to allot” is …
    22. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the act of gaining victory; frustration” is …
    23. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to catch up with and, often, go beyond; to come upon unexpectedly or suddenly” is …
    24. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «ставить кого-либо в более невыгодное положение»
    25. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «система управления государственными расходами»
    26. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “trustworthy, able to pay back” is …
    27. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to become due: said of a note, etc.” is …
    28. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to obtain for money or by paying a price; to buy” is …
    29. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “that can be approached or entered; easy to approach or enter” is …
    30. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to ease, lighten, or reduce (pain, anxiety, etc.) is …
    31. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «изменение валютного курса»
    32. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «рынок производных ценных бумаг»
    33. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «оценивать положение компании»
    34. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «размер непогашенного долга»
    35. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “…a sudden attack or forcible effort” is …
    36. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «выбросить белый флаг»
    37. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «повлечь риск»
    38. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «международная торговля»
    39. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a change for the better; improvement” is …
    40. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “special authority assigned to or exercised by a person or group holding office” are …
    41. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “following in order, without interruption; successive” is …
    42. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to keep or keep up; to continue in or with; carry on” is …
    43. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to accumulate; to lad” is …
    44. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to add to, esp. so as to make up for a lack or deficiency” is …
    45. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to go or be beyond (a limit, limited regulation, measure, etc.)” is …
    46. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to stop, especially temporarily” is …
    47. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «процедура допуска ценной бумаги к торговле на бирже»
    48. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «выпуск долговых обязательств»
    49. Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «вкладывать, инвестировать деньги»
    50. Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to make greater, as in cost, value, attractiveness, etc.; heighten” is …

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to lessen in any way, as in size, weight, amount, value, price etc. “is …

    • to reduce
    • to seduce
    • to worsen
    • to harden

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the quality or state of being distinctly seen; the capability of being seen through; the quality of being easily recognized, obvious” is …

    • transparency
    • invisibility
    • clearness
    • disaster

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “on the border between being profitable and nonprofitable” is …

    • marginal
    • profitable
    • sufficient
    • non-sufficient

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to urge; to stimulate to action, greater effort, etc.” is …

    • to spur
    • to spread
    • to array
    • to spray

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «доход по бумагам с фиксированным доходом»

    • fixed-income expenditure
    • fixed-income return
    • fixed-profit return
    • return with the fixed profit

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «вновь вернуться к жизни»

    • to come back to life
    • to spring tom life again
    • to survive
    • to get back to life

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to change so as to fit, conform, make suitable, etc.” is …

    • to impose
    • to adjust
    • to affect
    • to define

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «состояние платежного баланса»

    • condition of balance payment
    • position of payment balance
    • position of balance payment
    • balance-of-payment position

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “anything owned that has exchange value; (in plural) all the entries on a balance sheet showing the entire resources of a person or business, including accounts and notes receivable, cash, inventory, equipment, real estate, etc.” is …

    • bond
    • share
    • asset
    • holding

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «в широком смысле»

    • in broad terms
    • in general meaning
    • to the general terms
    • to broad meaning

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a long, narrow, deep cleft or crack” is …

    • hole
    • fissure
    • fixation
    • crushing

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «поддерживать баланс»

    • to keep the balance
    • to make the balance stable
    • to maintain the balance
    • to stable the balance

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «привилегированные акции»

    • preferred stocks
    • privileged securities
    • preferred securities
    • privileged stocks

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «исполнять опцион»

    • to exercise an opinion
    • to anticipate in an option
    • to fulfill an option
    • to exercise an option

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «реструктурирование долга»

    • rescheduling of debt
    • restructuring of debts
    • debt restructuring
    • debt rescheduling

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “receiving or tending to receive, take in, admit or contain” is …

    • connecting
    • creditworthy
    • receptive
    • receiving

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to do without; manage without” is …

    • to abolish
    • to accumulate
    • to funnel
    • to dispense (with)

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to estimate the value, worth, strength, capacity, etc.; appraise” is …

    • to contribute
    • to counter
    • to sum up
    • to rate

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «вступать в силу»

    • to be legal
    • to enter into force
    • to become legal
    • to go into force

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to stop, especially temporarily” is …

    • to hammer
    • to halt
    • to go forward
    • to walk back

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to distribute in shares or according to a plan; to allot” is …

    • to allocate
    • to give
    • to allure
    • to allude

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “the act of gaining victory; frustration” is …

    • defeat
    • defiance
    • defense
    • deficiency

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to catch up with and, often, go beyond; to come upon unexpectedly or suddenly” is …

    • to overtax
    • to come across
    • to overtake
    • to hurry up

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «ставить кого-либо в более невыгодное положение»

    • to do anyone worse off
    • to leave somebody worse off
    • to take somebody in the worse position
    • to make somebody worse

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «система управления государственными расходами»

    • the system of public expenditure management
    • public expenditure management system
    • the system of expenditure management
    • state expenditure management system

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “trustworthy, able to pay back” is …

    • creditworthy
    • expensive
    • rich
    • receptive

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to become due: said of a note, etc.” is …

    • to subscribe
    • to miss
    • to submit
    • to mature

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to obtain for money or by paying a price; to buy” is …

    • to purchase
    • turn over
    • to establish
    • to furnish

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “that can be approached or entered; easy to approach or enter” is …

    • deniable
    • accessible
    • reliable
    • tangible

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to ease, lighten, or reduce (pain, anxiety, etc.) is …

    • to recall
    • to fulfill
    • to relieve
    • to relax

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «изменение валютного курса»

    • movement of the currency rate
    • changing of the exchange rate
    • changing in the rate of currency
    • movement in the exchange rate

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «рынок производных ценных бумаг»

    • bond market
    • two way market
    • derivative market
    • equity market

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «оценивать положение компании»

    • to evaluate the firm’s position
    • to appraise the company position
    • to appraise the company condition
    • to value the company’s position

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «размер непогашенного долга»

    • the accessible amount of debt
    • the outstanding amount of debt
    • the outstanding public debt
    • the outstanding amount of deficit

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “…a sudden attack or forcible effort” is …

    • crushing
    • blow
    • defeat
    • flow

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «выбросить белый флаг»

    • to throw away the white flag
    • to throw down the white flag
    • to run up the white flag
    • to throw up the white flag

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «повлечь риск»

    • to stimulate risks
    • to entail risk
    • to go beyond the risk
    • to retail risk

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «международная торговля»

    • international trading
    • cross-border trading
    • abroad trading
    • over-the-border trading

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “a change for the better; improvement” is …

    • conclusion
    • amendment
    • asset
    • fault

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “special authority assigned to or exercised by a person or group holding office” are …

    • strength
    • powers
    • energy
    • forces

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “following in order, without interruption; successive” is …

    • consistent
    • continuing
    • considerable
    • consecutive

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to keep or keep up; to continue in or with; carry on” is …

    • to maintain
    • to succeed
    • to fold
    • to hold

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to accumulate; to lad” is …

    • to fulfill
    • to pile up
    • to pull up
    • to cover

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to add to, esp. so as to make up for a lack or deficiency” is …

    • to contemplate
    • to supplement
    • to lose
    • supply

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to go or be beyond (a limit, limited regulation, measure, etc.)” is …

    • to execute
    • to exceed
    • to succeed
    • to expect

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to stop, especially temporarily” is …

    • to hammer
    • to apply
    • to halt
    • to force

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «процедура допуска ценной бумаги к торговле на бирже»

    • listing procedure
    • the procedure of bond listing
    • the procedure of security accessing
    • accessing procedure

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «выпуск долговых обязательств»

    • debt float obligations
    • debt float
    • debt issue
    • debt issues obligations

    Choose the correct translation of the phrase: «вкладывать, инвестировать деньги»

    • to borrow money
    • to give money
    • to lend money
    • to sink money

    Choose the correct explanation without using a glossary: “to make greater, as in cost, value, attractiveness, etc.; heighten” is …

    • to evolve
    • to engage
    • to enlarge
    • to enhance
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