Деловой иностранный язык для психологов (ответы Синергия) тест 1

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    Деловой иностранный язык для психологов (ответы тесты Синергия) Тест 1 

    Верные ответы 34 из 40 (хорошо)

    Деловой иностранный язык для психологов (ответы Синергия) тест 1 - актуальные примеры

    1. Готовый отчет по практике. (ВГУЭиС)
    2. Готовый отчет по практике. (ВШП)
    3. Готовый отчет по практике. (КЦЭиТ)
    4. Готовый отчет по практике. (ММУ)
    5. Готовый отчет по практике. (академии предпринимательства)
    6. Готовый отчет по практике. (МТИ)
    7. Готовый отчет по практике. (МИП)
    8. Готовый отчет по практике. (МОИ)
    9. Готовый отчет по практике. (МФЮА)
    10. Готовый отчет по практике. (НИБ)
    11. Готовый отчет по практике. (ОСЭК)
    12. Готовый отчет по практике. (политехнического колледжа Годикова)
    13. Готовый отчет по практике. (РГСУ)
    14. Готовый отчет по практике. (СПбГТИ(ТУ))
    15. Готовый отчет по практике. (Росдистант)
    16. Готовый отчет по практике. (СамНИУ)
    17. Готовый отчет по практике. (Синергии)
    18. Готовый отчет по практике. (ТИСБИ)
    19. Готовый отчет по практике. (ТГУ)
    20. Готовый отчет по практике. (университета им. Витте)
    21. Готовый отчет по практике. (ФЭК)
    В данном предложении инфинитив служит… То do your homework is your duty.
    частью сказуемого
    After graduation from high school over half of American student center institutions of higher education. The system of higher education in the USA includes four categories of institutions: a community college, a technical training institution, a four-year college and a university. 24Generally speaking, there is not much difference between these institutions of higher education. Usually, a university is larger than a college — it offers a greater variety of subjects to specialize in. Moreover,a university offers special programmes of advanced studies in addition to fundamental programmes. There are … categories of institutions in the USA.
    — is an artificially created situation that allows the researcher either to confirm or to refute the hypothesis under study.
    … I smoke here?
    Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer. Contemporary psychology is interested in an enormous range of topics, looking at human behavior and mental process from the neural level to the cultural level. Psychologists study human issues that begin before birth and continue until death. By understanding the history of psychology, you can gain a better understanding of how these topics are studied and what we have learned thus far. Contemporary psychology studies…
    mental process b. human behavior
    human issues d. an enormous range of topics
    Прочтите. Сделайте правильный вывод согласно данному тексту. We are affected by stressful situations every day. Meeting tight deadlines, being late, marriage, divorce, exams, losing a job, any changes in our life can lead to stress.
    You must avoid stress
    You can’t avoid stress
    Stress is very bad for your health
    You shouldn’t meet deadlines
    Установите правильную последовательность.
    Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer. During the mid-1800s, a German physiologist named Wilhelm Wundt was using scientific research methods to investigate reaction times. His book published in 1874, «Principles of Physiological Psychology,» outlined many of the major connections between the science of physiology and the study of human thought and behavior. Wilhelm Wundt’s book outlined …
    science of physiology b. study of human thought
    connections between the sciences d. study of human behavior
    Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer. When you smile, you demonstrate that you have noticed the person in a positive manner. The other person will usually feel good and smile back. Smiling does not mean that you are happy all the time. You just demonstrate an open attitude to conversation. What does it mean when you are smiling to another person?
    you are happy all the time
    you have noticed the person
    you feel good today
    you demonstrate an open attitude to conversation
    Соотнесите придаточные предложения с их типами:
    How the research is conducted is very important
    He felt as if he had been betrayed
    I wonder what you mean
    The reason why he did it is plain
    Although the robbery took place in broad daylight, there were no eyewitnesses
    Придаточное предложение подлежащее
    Придаточное предложение сказуемое
    Дополнительное придаточное предложение
    Определительное придаточное предложение
    Обстоятельственные придаточные предложения
    Put the words in the correct order to make question.
    Ответ: A; E; D; H; F; B; C; G; J; K; I; M; L;N
    Поставьте слова в правильный порядок.
    Тип ответа: Сортировка
    1 He
    2 happened
    3 to
    4 be
    6 when
    7 the
    8 police
    9 arrived
    Match the questions and answers.
    Тип ответа: Сопоставление
    А.What does psychology as a science study?
    B.What are the three stages of developing psychology?
    C.Who was the founder of scientific psychology?
    D.What does the word «psychology» mean?
    E.mental activity and human behaviour
    F.prescientific, philosophical and scientific
    G. Wilhelm Wundt
    H.study of the soul
    Выберите правильный перевод фразы «достичь цели».
    to accomplish a goal
    to achieve an aim
    to generate data
    Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer. Freud believed that events in our childhood have a great influence on our adult lives, shaping our personality. For example, anxiety originating from traumatic experiences in a person’s past is hidden from consciousness, and may cause problems during adulthood. Freud believed our personality is shaped by…
    our adult lives b anxiety
    our childhood d. consciousness
    The word «psychology» … from the Greek word meaning «study of the soul».
    is derived
    Police psychologists… many roles in the police force.
    has had
    …psychology studies behaviour.
    Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer. A police psychologist is trained in psychology, public safety and law enforcement. They do everything from participating in criminal investigations to performing psychological autopsies to interviewing suspects. A police psychologist studies…
    criminal investigations b. interviewing suspects
    psychological autopsies d. psychology, public safety and law enforcement
    There … a gun on the floor.
    The government… the whole project.
    was financed
    is finaced
    While psychology did not emerge as a separate discipline until the late 1800s, its earliest history can be traced back to the time of the ancient…
    The new government is … than the old government.
    the strongest
    There is not… money in the safe.
    The general pattern of teaching at the universities remains a mixture of lectures, seminars and tutorials. Each student has a tutor who is responsible for the student’s progress. Tuition fees are high. The students receive grants from public and private funds, which provide for the payment of their tuition fees and other expenses. Each university and department has its own method of assessment, but, in general, progress is measured through a combination of coursework, dissertation and finals (end-of-course examinations)…. responsible for the student’s progress.
    Match the questions and answers.
    A.What are the main branches in psychology?
    B.What skills are required for a police psychologist?
    C.What’s the aim of youth work?
    D.What does logopedics as a science study?
    E.research and practice
    F.excellent problem-solving skills
    G.to enhance the personal and social development of a young person
    H.anomolies of speech development
    A-E; B-F; C-G; D-H
    The date of the meeting … yesterday.
    is appointed
    was appointed
    … two police cars and an ambulance outside.
    Соедините предложения с верным типом условного предложения
    A.первый тип
    B.второй тип
    C.третий тип
    D.If it’s cold tomorrow, we will stay at home
    E.If the weather were fine today, we would go for a walk
    F.If the weather had been fine yesterday, we would have gone for a walk
    A-D; B-E; C-F
    .. are the oldest universities in Britain.
    Oxford and Cambridge
    Выберите правильный тип условного предложения. If the weather were fine tomorrow, we would go to the park.
    первый тип
    второй тип
    третий тип
    Put the words in the correct order to make question.
    Тип ответа: Сортировка
    1 modem
    2 the farther
    3 as
    4 is known
    5 of
    6 W. Wundt
    7 psychology
    6, 4, 3, 2, 5, 1, 7
    … in the country for many years he spoke English without accent.
    having lived
    have lived
    There is… information about this organization
    Experts agreed that his behaviour… by the stress.
    had been affected
    has been affected
    was affected
    The boy … convince the teacher of his innocence.
    is able to
    was able to
    were able to
    be able to
    Выберите правильный перевод фразы «если бы я был тобой, я бы пошел бы к доктору».
    If I will be you, I would go to a doctor
    If I was were, I would go to a doctor
    If I were you, I would go to a doctor
    Выберите правильную грамматическую форму. If the weather… fine tomorrow, I will go to the park.
    will be
    I can’t help … late.
    having been
    I hate people … in public.
    being quarreled
    Оцените статью
    Практика студента

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      • Высокая уникальность
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        Оформление практики под ключ.
      • Любые корректировки – бесплатно и бессрочно!
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      • Личный менеджер для каждого клиента.
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      • Гарантия возврата.
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        Гарантия возврата.
      • Прозрачность процесса.
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        Прозрачность процесса.
      • Работаем официально.
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      • Отзывы реальных студентов.
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        Отзывы реальных студентов.
      • Бонусная программа.
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        Бонусная программа.
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        Полезные материалы.
      • Бесплатная консультация.
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        Бесплатная консультация.
      Практика студента – с нами твоя учеба станет легче и приятнее!