Английский язык Синергия (ответы на тесты 1 семестр)

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    Английский Синергия ответы на тест — 1 семестр 

    Оценка Отлично
    How’s your business doing?
    We’re doing quite well.
    From time to time.
    The room is very comfortable.
    I’m from Italy.


    Английский язык Синергия (ответы на тесты 1 семестр) - актуальные примеры

    1. Готовый отчет по практике. (ВГУЭиС)
    2. Готовый отчет по практике. (ВШП)
    3. Готовый отчет по практике. (КЦЭиТ)
    4. Готовый отчет по практике. (ММУ)
    5. Готовый отчет по практике. (академии предпринимательства)
    6. Готовый отчет по практике. (МТИ)
    7. Готовый отчет по практике. (МИП)
    8. Готовый отчет по практике. (МОИ)
    9. Готовый отчет по практике. (МФЮА)
    10. Готовый отчет по практике. (НИБ)
    11. Готовый отчет по практике. (ОСЭК)
    12. Готовый отчет по практике. (политехнического колледжа Годикова)
    13. Готовый отчет по практике. (РГСУ)
    14. Готовый отчет по практике. (СПбГТИ(ТУ))
    15. Готовый отчет по практике. (Росдистант)
    16. Готовый отчет по практике. (СамНИУ)
    17. Готовый отчет по практике. (Синергии)
    18. Готовый отчет по практике. (ТИСБИ)
    19. Готовый отчет по практике. (ТГУ)
    20. Готовый отчет по практике. (университета им. Витте)
    21. Готовый отчет по практике. (ФЭК)
    Can I take this as hand …?
    fax call


    Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a
    hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in
    some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient.
    They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel
    ‘Yotel’. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the
    couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.
    An important feature of the Yotel is convenience.


    Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a
    hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in
    some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient.
    They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel
    ‘Yotel’. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the
    couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.
    Yotels are …
    in the airport
    only an idea now
    very near the airport


    Where are you staying?
    I work flexible hours, which is great.
    I’m staying at the Hilton in the town centre.
    I’m here to visit my company’s head office.
    I play golf.


    Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.
    What do you … for the main course?
    The beef is delicious.


    I … from Spain.


    Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a
    hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in
    some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient.
    They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel
    ‘Yotel’. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the
    couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.
    Travellers …
    like the rooms
    aren’t interested in staying at Yotel
    don’t like the rooms


    Complete each gap in these short conversations. … you a sales manager?
    No, I’m not. I work in television.


    In the office, we all …English.


    … she travel in her job?


    … is important with big or heavy products, because you can’t take them home in your car.
    After-sales service
    Interest-free delivery
    Free delivery


    A low price is important, but good … will make customers happy, even when a product breaks.
    after-sales guarantee
    after-sales service
    free delivery


    The employees … from about 15 different countries.


    Complete each gap in these short conversations. … do you work?
    At Channel 10.


    I … a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.


    Do you meet your colleagues after work?
    The room is very comfortable.
    From time to time.
    I’m from Italy.
    We’re doing quite well.


    When are you leaving? …
    Yes, please
    Seven o’clock
    On Friday


    How many nights are you staying? …
    Yes, please
    On Friday
    Seven o’clock


    Tony Lam … me some samples of his products.


    You need to … through security before you board the plane.


    Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a
    hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in
    some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient.
    They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel
    ‘Yotel’. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the
    couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.
    Woodroffe had an idea when he was sleeping in an airport.


    Complete each gap in these short restaurant conversations.
    Do you … any vegetarian dishes?
    Yes, we have vegetarian pizza.


    I’m checking out today. Can I have the… , please?


    On the flight, you can always … a movie.


    How many hours a week do you work?
    Between 40 and 50 hours.
    I play golf.
    I work flexible hours, which is great.


    Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a
    hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in
    some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient.
    They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel
    ‘Yotel’. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £50. You can pay £70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the
    couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres.
    Woodroffe had an idea when he was sleeping in an airport.


    I got a good deal when borrowed money to buy my car — I had one year’s …
    a big service
    interest-free credit
    after-sales guarantee
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      • Гарантия возврата.
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      • Работаем официально.
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      Практика студента – с нами твоя учеба станет легче и приятнее!