Англ. яз. Чтение прессы. Часть 1

    Помощь и консультация с учебными работами

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    1. The genre of this article is …
    2. This article is taken from …
    3. This article is taken from …
    4. “In every other respect” in this context means …
    5. The best title for the text will be …
    6. St. John’s …
    7. “Magical setting” in this context means …
    8. “Counterpart” in this context means …
    9. “Not enough room” in this context means …
    10. Bjork is …
    11. “Draft” in this context means …
    12. The key sentence of the text is …
    13. This text is from …
    14. Wallis and other tabloid editors …
    15. The 1977 bilateral trade agreement …
    16. “Collaboration” in this context means …
    17. Wallis is an important figure, because …
    18. “To insist” in this context means …
    19. “To come under attack” in this context means…
    20. “To be itching to smth” in this context means …
    21. The text is about …
    22. The best title for the text will be …
    23. This text is from …
    24. The best title for the text will be …
    25. The third paragraph starts with the sentence … and ends with the sentence …
    26. This text is from …
    27. The genre of this article is …
    28. “To reach agreement” in this context means…
    29. “To abandon” in this context means…
    30. America’s 43rd president …
    31. Fox declared that …
    32. “The opening number” in this context means …
    33. “Obsolete” in this context means…
    34. Nigeria and Angola …
    35. 18 pictures of celebrities in swimwear on holiday this month had been used by …
    36. The key sentence of the text is …
    37. Bjork’s singing style is marked by…
    38. The text is about …
    39. “To capture” in this context means …
    40. Bjork is experimenting with …
    41. Mexican President Vicente Fox insisted …
    42. “Conventional” in this context means…
    43. “Drapes” in this context means…
    44. “To reverse” in this context means…
    45. “To establish” in this context means …
    46. “To provide” in this context means …
    47. “Array” in this context means …
    48. Both sides decided …
    49. “Conceivable” in this context means …
    50. The genre of this article is …

    The genre of this article is …

    • the item
    • the report
    • the review
    • the editorial article

    This article is taken from …

    • style rubric
    • political news rubric
    • home news section
    • sports section

    This article is taken from …

    • media rubric
    • style rubric
    • international news section
    • sports section

    “In every other respect” in this context means …

    • in this particular situation
    • in all the details and particular points
    • concerning everything
    • in every situation

    The best title for the text will be …

    • Collaboration between the Nigerian Television Authority and Angolan Public Television.
    • The future of relations between Nigeria and Angola.
    • Nigeria, Angola reach pact on bilateral trade.
    • Nigeria, Angola meets again.

    St. John’s …

    • is one of the places where Bjork’s concert took place
    • is the place where Bjork’s performance took place
    • is the church where Bjork often go
    • is close to Smith Square, where Bjork’s concert took place

    “Magical setting” in this context means …

    • settings for juggling
    • a mysterious background, set of surroundings
    • equipment for a magician
    • seats for audience

    “Counterpart” in this context means …

    • a person that does the same job as another in a different system
    • a person that organize negotiations
    • the member of the party that has the same opinion
    • a party that has the same ideas

    “Not enough room” in this context means …

    • not enough chairs
    • not enough rooms
    • not enough tickets
    • not enough space

    Bjork is …

    • a singer of the Radiohead
    • an opera singer
    • a pop star
    • a conductor

    “Draft” in this context means …

    • plan
    • the first rough of smth written
    • law
    • variant

    The key sentence of the text is …

    • Wearing a fluffy, sequined, off-white ensemble …
    • Never one of your conventional pop stars …
    • There was not enough room for the orchestra to perform with her …
    • Now she has abandoned the trappings of pop entirely …

    This text is from …

    • a broadsheet
    • a regional paper
    • a tabloid
    • a Sunday paper

    Wallis and other tabloid editors …

    • believe that it is the stalking of celebrities by the tabloids
    • are influenced by the broadsheet journalists
    • provoke the judicial itch to interfere
    • are more dangerous than the judges

    The 1977 bilateral trade agreement …

    • helps to boost commercial exchange
    • is a good basis for boosting commercial exchange
    • was agreed to be reviewed because it was considered obsolete
    • was agreed to be reviewed because it was a copy of the draft agreement

    “Collaboration” in this context means …

    • discussion
    • cooperation
    • working separately
    • negotiations

    Wallis is an important figure, because …

    • he is a member of the Press Complaints Commission and a judge
    • he sometimes divides tabloids from the broadsheets and form liberal opinion
    • he is a spokesman for the tabloids across the chasm of incomprehension
    • he is a member of the Press Complaints Commission a spokesman for the tabloids

    “To insist” in this context means …

    • to suppose
    • to order
    • to declare
    • to think

    “To come under attack” in this context means…

    • to be widely criticized
    • to be attacked by the arms
    • to be destroyed
    • to be in war

    “To be itching to smth” in this context means …

    • not to wanе to do smth
    • to want very much to do smth soon
    • to be doing smth for some period of time
    • to ignore smth

    The text is about …

    • the analysis of the Sunday People
    • the Wallis’ policy
    • the opinion of the broadsheet journalists
    • the tabloids and their relations with the reader

    The best title for the text will be …

    • Are tabloids the leaders or the led?
    • Celebrities in swimwear
    • The dangerous judges
    • A tabloid veteran is in war with broadsheets

    This text is from …

    • a regional paper
    • a Sunday paper
    • a tabloid
    • a broadsheet

    The best title for the text will be …

    • Fox and Bush enemies or brothers?
    • «A complex issue» that the Mexican and American presidents discussed
    • Fox pushes for migrants pact by end of year
    • The first state visit of the Mexican President Vicente Fox to the US

    The third paragraph starts with the sentence … and ends with the sentence …

    • The document stated that the Nigerian delegation… The two delegates also agreed that the collaboration …
    • According to the minutes, both sides decided … In that regard, Nigeria submitted a new draft …
    • According to the minutes, both sides decided … On culture, tourism, social communication/information and education …
    • In this regard, the two sides also agreed to review … On culture, tourism, social communication/information and education …

    This text is from …

    • a broadsheet
    • a regional paper
    • a Sunday paper
    • a tabloid

    The genre of this article is …

    • the item
    • the report
    • the review
    • the editorial article

    “To reach agreement” in this context means…

    • to come to the state of having the same opinion
    • to have difficulties in having the same opinion
    • to discuss all the details
    • to sign an agreement

    “To abandon” in this context means…

    • to start doing smth
    • to continue to do smth
    • to give up or bring an end to smth
    • never to try doing smth

    America’s 43rd president …

    • didn’t want to meet the Mexican President
    • did not restrict pomp and circumstance for his friend
    • organized the ceremony in a very unpretentious way
    • limited pomp and circumstance for his friend

    Fox declared that …

    • welcome ceremony at the White House was highly choreographed
    • He was ready to invoke the plight of his citizens
    • It was the first day of his state visit
    • legalizing the status of illegal Mexican workers can be achieved

    “The opening number” in this context means …

    • calculation
    • the first song
    • counting
    • the very beginning.

    “Obsolete” in this context means…

    • actual
    • modern
    • no longer used
    • complicated

    Nigeria and Angola …

    • have expressed their unwillingness to reverse the low volume of trade between them
    • try not to reverse the low volume of trade between them
    • have never used the mechanism of trade fairs
    • want to reverse the low volume of trade between them

    18 pictures of celebrities in swimwear on holiday this month had been used by …

    • the Daily Mail
    • the Sunday People
    • The Sun
    • The Times

    The key sentence of the text is …

    • When the national tabloids come under attack there is one editor who will fight his corner
    • So Wallis is an important figure, not only because he is a member of the Press Complaints Commission but because he is a spokesman for the tabloids across the chasm of incomprehension that sometimes divides them from the broadsheets and form liberal opinion
    • More than 10 million tabloids, each copy read by at least two people, are bought every day
    • His reply was that the tabloids succeed only when they capture the mood of the people, and that they are punished when they don’t — their readers stop buying them

    Bjork’s singing style is marked by…

    • wringing motions with her hands
    • her cloths
    • the ritual mangling of English vowel
    • a dead swan hanging around her neck

    The text is about …

    • Bjork’s style
    • Bjork’s new album
    • Bjork’s show
    • Radiohead’s music

    “To capture” in this context means …

    • to lose control
    • to be led
    • to follow
    • to take control

    Bjork is experimenting with …

    • classical music
    • instrumentation and alternative modes of presentation
    • tuning the guitars
    • classical operas

    Mexican President Vicente Fox insisted …

    • that his nation and the United States must reach agreement on immigration reform
    • that his nation and the United States would never reach agreement on immigration reform
    • that his nation and the United States should reach agreement on immigration reform
    • that his nation and the United States have to reach agreement on immigration reform

    “Conventional” in this context means…

    • following accepted custom and standards
    • original
    • popular and well-known
    • new

    “Drapes” in this context means…

    • short light curtains
    • armchairs and sofas
    • carpets.
    • long thick curtains

    “To reverse” in this context means…

    • to change to the opposite
    • to pay special attention to
    • to discuss
    • not to change

    “To establish” in this context means …

    • to think about
    • to discuss the opportunity
    • to investigate
    • to begin, create

    “To provide” in this context means …

    • to change into
    • to seem
    • to pretend
    • to cause or arrange

    “Array” in this context means …

    • lack
    • some number
    • not enough
    • an ordered group

    Both sides decided …

    • to continue attracting foreign investment
    • to study a new draft agreement
    • to submit a new draft agreement
    • to conclude an agreement on investment promotion and protection

    “Conceivable” in this context means …

    • that can be believed
    • common
    • that cannot be believed
    • very special

    The genre of this article is …

    • the report
    • the item
    • the review
    • the editorial article
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