- The famous naturalist and thinker, _____________ was born on February 12, 1809
- Lomonosov not only built the first glass factory in Russia but also organized the production of
- Соотнесите русские глаголы с их аналогами в английском языке
- Переведите предложение: I am going to learn French
- Reggae is also the main form of expression of the
- In 1860, the North and the South of the United States had very different __________ aims
- Present Participle Active образуется путем прибавления окончания ________ к глаголу в форме инфинитива
- When Lomonosov returned to Petersburg he was appointed professor of
- Дайте переводы слова “главный”
- People do silly things when they’re in love and even sillier things when they’re
- Future Indefinite in the Past выражает будущее действие по отношению к
- Everyone knows that Robin Hood robbed the rich to give to the
- ___________ most people with white skin need a hat to protect their head and face and strong cream on the rest of their body
- Определите функцию Present Participle в предложении: When drawing up a contract for the sale of goods it is necessary to give a detailed description of the goods
- Junk food is
- Lomonosov was the son of a
- This word (muzak) is now commonly used in English to refer to
- Соотнесите названия частей тела в русском и английском языках
- ____________ became the first international reggae star and foremost spokes-person of Rasta
- Переведите предложение: I used to walk there
- Определите функцию Past Participle в предложении: Asked whether he intended to return soon, he replied that he would be away for about three months
- This word (muzak) is now commonly used in English to refer to recorded music played continuously in
- Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in
- Mikhail Lomonosov was a brilliant pupil and in 1735 he was sent to ___________ to continue his studies at the University
- At the end of two years Charles was still not interested in medicine and his father sent him to _________________ to work for his degree in theology
- Дайте переводы слова “страдание”
- Причастие в английском языке обладает свойствами
- The «Beagle» made a very thorough study of the waters off coasts of
- The Civil War broke out in _______ and lasted until
- Соотнесите слова на русском языке и их перевод на английский язык
- ___________ is possibly the world’s most famous detective story writer
- Образуйте Present Participle от глагола “to lie”
- The American singer ________ was one of the first to help popularize reggae
- Past Indefinite правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления во всех лицах окончания –ed к форме
- Lomonosov was a brilliant pupil and in ________ he was sent to Petersburg.
- The great poet and dramatist William Shakespeare is often called by his people
- Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who
- President Abraham Lincoln freed all slaves in
- Соотнесите русские слова с их аналогами в английском языке
- Дайте переводы слова “ to liberate”
- Lomonosov was born in 1711 in the northern coastal village of
- ____________ is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest, in Nottingham.
- At sixteen Charles was sent to Edinburgh University to become a doctor. He had no interest necessary for
- Дайте переводы слова “simple”
- Lastly, keep_________ out of the band
- Past Indefinite употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как
- Соотнесите выражения на русском языке с их переводом на английский язык
- Дайте переводы слова “curious”
- Robin Hood’s main enemy was the_____________, who was always trying to capture Robin but never managed to do it
- In 1871 Darwin published another book – «The Descent of _____»
The famous naturalist and thinker, _____________ was born on February 12, 1809
Lomonosov not only built the first glass factory in Russia but also organized the production of
Соотнесите русские глаголы с их аналогами в английском языке
- to yawn
- потеть
- to sneeze
- жевать
- to chew
- чихать
- to perspire
- зевать
Переведите предложение: I am going to learn French
- Я собираюсь изучать французский язык
- Я вынужден учить французский язык.
- Я поеду учить французский язык.
- Мне необходимо изучать французский язык.
Reggae is also the main form of expression of the
- bellicose processions of the IRA
- Seventh-Day Adventists
- Rastafarian religion
- Catholic movement
In 1860, the North and the South of the United States had very different __________ aims
- agricultural
- social
- political
- economic
Present Participle Active образуется путем прибавления окончания ________ к глаголу в форме инфинитива
- –ing
- –en
- –ed
- –eng
When Lomonosov returned to Petersburg he was appointed professor of
Дайте переводы слова “главный”
- luxurious
- chief
- main
- tiny
- principal
- central
People do silly things when they’re in love and even sillier things when they’re
- going away
- getting even
- putting apart
- breaking up
Future Indefinite in the Past выражает будущее действие по отношению к
- прошедшему моменту
- настоящему моменту
- будущему моменту
- постоянному действию
Everyone knows that Robin Hood robbed the rich to give to the
___________ most people with white skin need a hat to protect their head and face and strong cream on the rest of their body
- in difficult
- in hard sun
- in strong sun
- in heavy sun
Определите функцию Present Participle в предложении: When drawing up a contract for the sale of goods it is necessary to give a detailed description of the goods
- определение
- обстоятельство
- дополнение
- приложение
Junk food is
- hamburgers
- chips
- eggplant
- cucumber
Lomonosov was the son of a
This word (muzak) is now commonly used in English to refer to
- vinyl discs
- music sounds
- sound player
- recorded music
Соотнесите названия частей тела в русском и английском языках
- finger-tip
- «костяшка» (пальца)
- palm
- большой палец (руки)
- thumb
- ладонь
- knuckle
- кончик пальца
____________ became the first international reggae star and foremost spokes-person of Rasta
- Paul Simon
- Bob Marley
- Eric Clapton
- Frank Sinatra
Переведите предложение: I used to walk there
- Я воспользовался минуткой свободного времени, чтоб погулять там
- Я, бывало, прогуливался там.
- Я гулял только там
- Я любил гулять там
Определите функцию Past Participle в предложении: Asked whether he intended to return soon, he replied that he would be away for about three months
- обстоятельство причины
- определение
- обстоятельство времени
- обстоятельство образа действия
This word (muzak) is now commonly used in English to refer to recorded music played continuously in
- music studios
- restaurants
- discotheques
- places of work
Recorded background music first found its way into factories, shops and restaurants in
- the USA
- France
- the UK
- Italy
Mikhail Lomonosov was a brilliant pupil and in 1735 he was sent to ___________ to continue his studies at the University
- Petersburg
- Murmansk
- Moscow
- Arkhangelsk
At the end of two years Charles was still not interested in medicine and his father sent him to _________________ to work for his degree in theology
Дайте переводы слова “страдание”
- anguish
- collision
- crucifixion
- agony
- suffering
Причастие в английском языке обладает свойствами
- наречия
- прилагательного
- глагола
- существительного
The «Beagle» made a very thorough study of the waters off coasts of
- New Zealand
- The Caribbean
- Australia
- South America
The Civil War broke out in _______ and lasted until
- 1863
- 1862
- 1861
- 1865
Соотнесите слова на русском языке и их перевод на английский язык
- violin
- дирижер
- play at sight
- смычковые инструменты
- music stand
- капельмейстер
- brass instruments
- духовые инструменты
- bandmaster
- пюпитр
- string instruments
- играть с листа
- conductor
- скрипка
___________ is possibly the world’s most famous detective story writer
- Muriel Spark
- Agatha Christie
- Charlotte Bronte
- Tina Winston
Образуйте Present Participle от глагола “to lie”
- lyeing
- lieing
- lying
- lieng
The American singer ________ was one of the first to help popularize reggae
Past Indefinite правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления во всех лицах окончания –ed к форме
- Gerund
- Participle II
- Participle I
- Infinitive
Lomonosov was a brilliant pupil and in ________ he was sent to Petersburg.
The great poet and dramatist William Shakespeare is often called by his people
- “Our National Robin Hood”
- «Honest Abe»
- «The immortal Poet of Death»
- «The Great Unknown»
Background music may seem harmless, but it can have a powerful effect on those who
- hear it
- sing it
- play it
- listen to it
President Abraham Lincoln freed all slaves in
- 1863
- 1862
- 1864
- 1865
Соотнесите русские слова с их аналогами в английском языке
- long-/short-sighted
- бородатый, усатый
- complexion
- выражение лица; самообладание
- countenance
- цвет лица
- bearded
- дальнозоркий/близорукий
Дайте переводы слова “ to liberate”
- увольнять
- грабить, незаконно присваивать
- признавать свободным
- выпускать на свободу
- освобождать
- освобождать территорию
Lomonosov was born in 1711 in the northern coastal village of
- Denisovka
- Popovka
- Ivanovka
- Orlovka
____________ is a legendary hero who lived in Sherwood Forest, in Nottingham.
At sixteen Charles was sent to Edinburgh University to become a doctor. He had no interest necessary for
- physics
- classical languages
- chemistry
- medicine
Дайте переводы слова “simple”
- простой
- рассеянный
- легкий
- несложный
- невесомый
Lastly, keep_________ out of the band
- love
- romance
- emotions
- friends
Past Indefinite употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как
- usually
- yesterday
- an hour ago
- the other day
- last week
- yet
Соотнесите выражения на русском языке с их переводом на английский язык
- to play a piece of music
- вы играете на фортепиано?
- to make music
- он аккомпанировал ей на фортепиано
- she’s not at all musical
- она совершенно не музыкальна;
- he accompanied her on/at the piano
- музицировать
- do you play the piano?
- исполнять музыкальную пьесу
Дайте переводы слова “curious”
- любопытный
- исключающий
- пытливый
- тщательный
- интересный
- чудной