Лингвострановедение тест Синергия

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    Лингвострановедение тест Синергия>Все ответы + итоговый и компетентностный тест 100 баллов «Отлично»
    Тема 1. Общие сведения о странах английского языка
    Тема 2. Лингвострановедение Великобритании
    Тема 3. Лингвострановедение США
    Тема 4. Лингвострановедение Австралии
    Итоговая аттестация
    Лингвострановедение тест Синергия
    Administratively level Australia is divided into … and territories.
    The main dialect of the UK is so called … English.
    The US national… stars and stripes is red, white and blue.
    The largest state of the country is … Australia.
    English dialects are associated with many of the historic counties, including the Cumbrian dialect, Lancashire dialect, Northumbrian dialect and Yorkshire dialect.
    The president of the USA lives in the … in the capital city of Washington, D.C.
    Caribbean … are the languages that developed from a mixture of *
    Ten territories are considered to be unorganized, meaning they have not had an … Act enacted by Congress; the four other territories are organized, meaning they have had an … Act that has been enacted by Congress.
    The smallest state of Australia is … .
    are linguistic varieties that may differ in pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling and grammar.
    In Australia the … district was chosen as the site of the new national capital in 1908.
    The largest tribe in Australia is…
    is the founder of the concentric circles of English theory.
    Braj Kachru
    Ferdinand Mongin de Saussure
    Noam Chomsky
    William Labov
    The Australian Aboriginal people came from…
    of languages were spoken in Australia earlier.
    more than fifty
    more than a hundred
    more than one hundred and fifty
    more than two hundred
    are the basis of the ethnic population in Australia.
    is the main administrative unit in most of the UK countries.
    Arrange top 4 countries that Speak English as a Primary Language or lingua franca (by total population) in ascending order.
    Тип ответа: Сортировка
    1 India
    2 USA
    3 Pakistan
    4 Nigeria
    Arrange the states of Australia in descending order, where the first state is the biggest one
    Тип ответа: Сортировка
    1 Western Australia
    2 Queensland
    3 Victoria
    4 Tasmania
    There are … general ethnic groups in the USA.
    a hundred
    A language gains a status as a global language…
    When it becomes an official language in more than 50 countries
    When its native speakers amount to more than a half of the planet population
    When it is the most widely used language in communication in most places in the world
    When it is used in the space communication
    In Australia seasons go…
    like elsewhere in the world
    one season back shifted
    the other way round
    one season forward shifted
    African-Americans in the USA?
    were unwillingly brought as slaves
    were invited to work as cheap labor
    came for a better life like all the people
    there have always been some groups in the southern areas of America
    A rough population of the USA is…
    over four hundred forty million
    over three hundred thirty million
    over billion
    over five hundred million
    Britain invited many people from East to work in the second half of the twentieth century,…
    because of a shortage of labor (unskilled, poorly-paid jobs)
    because of a shortage of human resources in the east-west international affairs
    because of the collapse of the British Empire
    because of a special multicultural policy
    National Parks family includes … parks.
    The «norm-dependent» circle means…
    The speakers of this circle continue to evolve the language’s rules and usage
    The speakers of this circle rely upon the other circles to determine the proper usage of the language
    The speakers of this circle adopt but also challenge the norms created by the Inner Circle
    The speakers of this circle create the rules of the language which the other speakers depend on
    Correlate the date of accession of the state to the USA and the state.
    Тип ответа: Сопоставление
    New York
    District of Columbia
    September 9, 1850
    July 26, 1788
    July 16, 1790
    March 3, 1845
    Correlate the name of state of federal district of America and its abbreviation.
    Тип ответа: Сопоставление
    District of Columbia
    Correlate the person and the country with which this person is historically bounded
    Тип ответа: Сопоставление
    Abraham Lincoln
    James Cook
    Mahatma Gandhi
    The United Kingdom
    The USA
    The Inner circle of the concentric circles theory includes countries such as …
    Russia, Egypt, India
    Russia, Japan, Germany
    USA, UK, Canada
    India, Ghana, Singapore
    The concentric circles of English theory contains … circles.
    The … class embraces a range of people from senior professionals, for example, judges, senior medical specialists and senior civil servants, through to clerical workers — in other words, almost all people who earn their living in a non-manual way.
    is a rough area of Hiberno-English dialects spreading.
    is one of the alternative names of Australia.
    Emu Land
    Koala Land
    Red Fox Land
    Kangaroo Land
    was founded in Britain.
    UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
    IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources)
    The World Wide Fund for Nature
    The coldest region of Australia?
    Kangaroo Island
    Cocos Islands
    You meet a group of people from the United Kingdom. You need to find out who came from noble origins and has higher level of education and social class. Give the answer according to pronunciation of the sentences «That’s how I got my filing job here. Look at how good that turned out«.
    Martin from Quebec has moved to Bamako to become an English teacher in the French kinder garden. He has got an average salary in the region, but he has an opportunity to have additional financial support from the organization which spreads the English language all over the world. Where should he apply for it?
    OSB, because it can support people spreading the English language in every point of the planet
    CIDA, because it is Canadian organization that support the English language in developing countries, especially in the Sahel region
    SIDA, because it is responsible for organization of the bulk of Sweden’s official development assistance to developing countries
    Theodor is an American citizen, who is political conscious. He wants to support his candidate in elections. He came to debates with a portrait of the candidate and the poster of Donkey. Which party does Theodor support?
    Christian Social Party, for the donkey is their symbol
    Democratic Party, for the donkey is their symbol
    Republican Party, for the donkey is their symbol
    You are preparing the article for the Australian Institute of Family Studies «Engaging with Indigenous Australia». You are going to explore the conditions for effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. What ethnic community would you choose to describe some examples of work with Aboriginal Australians?
    Yolngu people, inhabiting north-eastern Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory
    Inuit people, who live in the territory of Nunavut, Nunavik in the northern third of Quebec, Nunatsiavut and NunatuKavut in Labrador, and in various parts of the Northwest Territories
    The Aleuts, who are the indigenous people of the Aleutian Islands, the Shumagin Islands, Commander Islands
    There are going to be negotiations between the USA, Honduras and Nicaragua about the status of an uninhabited territory, which has been a disputed territory for a long time. Each of the countries claimed that territory to be theirs centuries ago, but there are still some arguments about it. Name this territory and the year of claiming that territory by the USA.
    Bajo Nuevo Bank (Petrel Island) was claimed and administrated by the USA in 1869 and there are arguments about its status between the USA, Honduras and Nicaragua
    Bajo Nuevo Bank (Petrel Island) was claimed and administrated by the USA in 1880 and there are arguments about its status between the USA, Honduras and Nicaragua
    Serranilla Bank was claimed and administrated by the USA in 1880 and there are arguments about its status between the USA, Hondurasand Nicaragua
    You are going to interview Bishop Paul Smith (LCAZ). While preparing, you decided to ask some questions about the ancestors of this Church. With what significant event would those questions connected?
    The questions would be connected with “holy experiment» of Protestants from England, who tried to prove that God’s plan for their churches could be successfully realized. The LCAZ has direct connection to that event
    The questions would be connected with Colonia Dignidad, which was established by Germans. The Germans, who immigrated to Australia to enjoy religious freedom, established the LCAZ. The Colonia Dignidad was the porotype of the LCAZ
    The questions would be connected with Kavel-Fritzsche Synod. Pastors August Kavel and Gotthard Fritzsche arrived from Germany to enjoy religious freedom and established religious community, which later became the LCAZ
    Read the description of a person: «He must never complain. Complaining is very un-national in his country. The stiff-upper lip is very his way. Whatever happens, remember the new national slogan: ‘It’s one of those things’. When his brand-new toasting machine goes up in flames and toasts him instead of his bread, he nods: ‘It’s one of those things’ and the matter is closed. He has no soul, only understanding. Drinking tea — specifically the more oxidised black tea — is seen as a key part of his culture» Try to find out where is he came from.
    Yang Zhenwu, Secretary-General of the National People’s Congress (China) has working trip to New Dehli. He is going to have an official meeting with the Secretary-General of the National Indian Congress. Having learned that all the highest politician positions in India are held by the members of one family, guess, who can be this person.
    Priyanka Gandhi, daughter of Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi, who belongs to the sixth generation of that family
    Arun Nehru, great grandson of Nandlal Nehru, who belongs to the fifth generation of that family
    Anasuya Gandhi, daughter of Varun Gandhi and Yamini Gandhi, who belongs to the seventh generation of that family
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