Экономическая среда. Часть 1

    Помощь и консультация с учебными работами

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    1. “ to abandon a , fight, or argument; surrender; yield” is …
    2. “to entail” means …
    3. The special thing needed for some purpose; supplies, furnishings, apparatus, etc. is …
    4. Of considerable worth or value; important is …
    5. To hold or assign a certain position is …
    6. To come or bring into union; to act or mix together; to unite is…
    7. To send (money) in payment is. ..
    8. “to work together, esp. in some literary, artistic or scientific undertaking” is …
    9. “to predict” means …
    10. A part or portion that belongs or is allotted to an individual or the part contributed by one is a …
    11. “to compete (with)” means
    12. To set apart for a specific purpose; to distribute in shares or according to a plan is ..
    13. “to insure” means …
    14. A quality or amount over and above what is needed or used is a …
    15. A listing of charges for goods and services is …
    16. “to print or publish” is …
    17. “to exceed” means
    18. “ penalty” is …
    19. Being such practically or in effect, although not in fact is …
    20. To make worse, less, weaker; to damage is …
    21. “expectation or prospect; mental view or attitude” is …
    22. “to consume” means
    23. “dividend” is …
    24. “depression” is …
    25. “prosperity” is …
    26. “to affect” means
    27. “income” is
    28. “to outstrip” means …
    29. Well qualified; specified; fit is
    30. “fee” is …
    31. “to substitute” means
    32. “hence” means …
    33. “regulation” is
    34. “insurmountable” means …
    35. “to pose” means …
    36. The amount of money, time etc. expended is …
    37. “to keep from moving or acting freely; impede” is …
    38. “to put (a quality, idea, etc. into), as if by pouring” is …
    39. “foggy, misty or smoky” is …
    40. “very sad; hopeless; melancholy” is …
    41. “that has or have gone by; past; farmer” is …
    42. To take or receive (something) with the understanding that one will return it or an equivalent is …
    43. To enlarge in area, scope, influence, meaning, effect, etc. is …
    44. “to afford” means
    45. A set date, as for payment, termination or tenancy, etc. is …
    46. “to save “ means
    47. “contraction” is …
    48. To be dominant in amount, number; to prevail is…
    49. “eventually” means …
    50. “scarce” means

    “ to abandon a , fight, or argument; surrender; yield” is …

    • to dent
    • to reduce
    • to give in
    • to hamper

    “to entail” means …

    • to place in a tomb or grave; bury
    • to start upon; begin
    • to cause or require as a necessary consequence; involve; necessitate
    • to give a title or name to

    The special thing needed for some purpose; supplies, furnishings, apparatus, etc. is …

    • an axe
    • an utility
    • an industry
    • an equipment

    Of considerable worth or value; important is …

    • substantial
    • tight
    • subtle
    • declining

    To hold or assign a certain position is …

    • to produce
    • to rank
    • to expose
    • to fall short

    To come or bring into union; to act or mix together; to unite is…

    • to join
    • to combine
    • to relate
    • to product

    To send (money) in payment is. ..

    • to generate
    • to give
    • to remit
    • to mislay

    “to work together, esp. in some literary, artistic or scientific undertaking” is …

    • to blur
    • to conclude
    • to collaborate
    • to stock

    “to predict” means …

    • to form in advance
    • to say in advance; to foretell ( a future event or events)
    • to make an affirmation or statement
    • to replace ( a regularly scheduled program)

    A part or portion that belongs or is allotted to an individual or the part contributed by one is a …

    • share
    • tax
    • borrowing
    • excise

    “to compete (with)” means

    • to enter into or be in rivalry;
    • to end, finish, conclude
    • to make or become intricate, difficult or involved
    • to behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner

    To set apart for a specific purpose; to distribute in shares or according to a plan is ..

    • to abandon
    • to share
    • to allocate
    • to specify

    “to insure” means …

    • to give facts or information to on a particular matter
    • to give hope or confidence to; to give support to; foster help
    • to put or use in place of another
    • to contract to be paid or pay money in the case of loss of (life, property, etc.)

    A quality or amount over and above what is needed or used is a …

    • surplus
    • demand
    • productivity
    • tax

    A listing of charges for goods and services is …

    • a budget account
    • an eventual loss
    • a collection agency
    • a statement

    “to print or publish” is …

    • to hinder
    • to give way to
    • to give in
    • to issue

    “to exceed” means

    • to go or be beyond ( a limit, limiting regulation, measure, etc.)
    • to avoid or escape from by deceit or cleverness
    • to be greater or better than, or superior toto give or receive (equivalent or similar things)
    • to think, speak or write of as greater than is really so, magnify beyond the fact

    “ penalty” is …

    • any act of reparation, self-punishment, etc.
    • compulsory payment, usually a percentage, levied on income
    • a punishment fixed by law, as for a crime or breach of contract
    • style or quality of handwriting

    Being such practically or in effect, although not in fact is …

    • vigorous
    • virtual
    • steady
    • wide

    To make worse, less, weaker; to damage is …

    • to improve
    • to impair
    • to send
    • to sell

    “expectation or prospect; mental view or attitude” is …

    • projection
    • outlook
    • public deficit
    • treaty

    “to consume” means

    • to buy goods and services for one’s personal needs
    • to enter into or be in rivalry
    • to use up or spend without real need, gain or purpose
    • to seek an opinion from; ask an advice

    “dividend” is …

    • a sum or quantity, usually of money, to be divided among stockholders, creditors, members of cooperative, etc.
    • payment asked or given for professional services, admissions, licenses, tuition, etc; charge
    • the sum remaining after all costs
    • the rate of producing or amount produced

    “depression” is …

    • a result or effect of impressing
    • good fortune, wealth, success, etc.
    • a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.
    • an imitation or mimicking intended as a caricature or amusing impersonation

    “prosperity” is …

    • the act of doing good or helping others, esp. by giving money for charitable purposes
    • a mental view or examination
    • the art and science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds
    • good fortune, wealth, success, etc.

    “to affect” means

    • to behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner
    • to avoid expense, loss, waste etc.; be economical
    • to have an effect on; influence; produce a change in
    • to frighten; terrify

    “income” is

    • the rate of producing or amount produced
    • the money or other gain received by an individual, corporation, etc. for labour or services or from property, investments, operations etc.
    • the sum remaining after all costs
    • a compulsory payment, usually a percentage, levied on income

    “to outstrip” means …

    • to cover with something blown, as sand
    • to charge too high a price (to)
    • to set the nominal value of the capital of (a corporation) higher than is lawful or justifiable
    • to go at a faster pace than, get ahead of; surpass

    Well qualified; specified; fit is

    • comfortable
    • compassionate
    • competent
    • complicated

    “fee” is …

    • the amount of money, time etc. expended
    • a remark, question, offer, etc. made to feel out another
    • the sum remaining after all costs
    • payment asked or given for professional services, admissions, licenses, tuition, etc; charge

    “to substitute” means

    • to overthrow or destroy (something established)
    • to undermine or corrupt, as in morals
    • to shake forcibly
    • to put or use in place of another

    “hence” means …

    • after this; from now on; in the future
    • about or near here
    • for this reason; as a result; therefore
    • by or through this; by this means

    “regulation” is

    • a treasury, as of a country or organization
    • a rule, ordinance or law by which conduct, etc. is regulated
    • a tax or duty on the manufacture, sale or consumption of various commodities within a country
    • a fee paid for a license to carry on certain occupations, sports, etc

    “insurmountable” means …

    • necessary for completeness; essential
    • with nothing missing or injured
    • that cannot be past over or overcome; insuperable
    • that cannot be easily defined, formulated

    “to pose” means …

    • to behave or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner
    • to leave hastily
    • to make an abrupt sound; glow
    • to put forward or propose (a question, problem, etc.)

    The amount of money, time etc. expended is …

    • an income
    • a surplus
    • a regeneration
    • an expenditure

    “to keep from moving or acting freely; impede” is …

    • to move
    • to hamper
    • to give in
    • to reduce

    “to put (a quality, idea, etc. into), as if by pouring” is …

    • to fill
    • to collaborate
    • to erase
    • to infuse

    “foggy, misty or smoky” is …

    • hazy
    • nutty
    • bygone
    • strange

    “very sad; hopeless; melancholy” is …

    • heavy
    • glossy
    • sound
    • gloomy

    “that has or have gone by; past; farmer” is …

    • future
    • bygone
    • hazy
    • fast

    To take or receive (something) with the understanding that one will return it or an equivalent is …

    • to borrow
    • to share
    • to rank
    • to prevail

    To enlarge in area, scope, influence, meaning, effect, etc. is …

    • to exceed
    • to expropriate
    • to extend
    • to grant

    “to afford” means

    • to manage (to do something) without risking serious consequences
    • to say positively; declare firmly
    • to insult openly or purposely; offend
    • to have an effect on; influence

    A set date, as for payment, termination or tenancy, etc. is …

    • an agreement
    • a term
    • a duration
    • a contract

    “to save “ means

    • to make a deep, heavy, continuous, rolling sound, as thunder
    • to use up or spend without real need, gain or purpose
    • to avoid expense, loss, waste etc.; be economical
    • to go rapidly, move swiftly

    “contraction” is …

    • a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.
    • a condition in which things tend to be contrary to each other
    • a period of decrease in business activity
    • good fortune, wealth, success, etc.

    To be dominant in amount, number; to prevail is…

    • to predominate
    • to predict
    • to rank
    • to borrow

    “eventually” means …

    • in any way; by any chance
    • forever; constantly
    • at any time
    • finally; ultimately; in the end

    “scarce” means

    • not plentiful; not sufficient to meet the demand; hard to get
    • sufficient or more than enough; abundant
    • lacking refinement, elegance, polish or sophistication
    • holy; sacred; hallowed
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    Практика студента

      Помощь и консультация с учебными работами

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      • Высокая уникальность
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        Высокая уникальность
      • Только актуальные, свежие источники.
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        Только актуальные, свежие источники.
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      • Полная анонимность.
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      • Оформление практики под ключ.
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      • Любые корректировки – бесплатно и бессрочно!
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      • Индивидуальный подход.
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      • Моментальная сдача тестов и экзаменов онлайн.
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      • Гарантия возврата.
        Мы уверены в качестве своих услуг, поэтому предлагаем гарантию возврата средств, если результат тебя не устроит.
        Гарантия возврата.
      • Прозрачность процесса.
        Ты сможешь отслеживать выполнение своей работы в личном кабинете.
        Прозрачность процесса.
      • Работаем официально.
        Мы – зарегистрированная компания, заключаем договор на оказание услуг, что гарантирует твою безопасность.
        Работаем официально.
      • Отзывы реальных студентов.
        Не верь на слово – ознакомься с отзывами наших клиентов!
        Отзывы реальных студентов.
      • Бонусная программа.
        Получай скидки, бонусы и участвуй в акциях!
        Бонусная программа.
      • Полезные материалы.
        Скачивай шаблоны работ, читай полезные статьи и получай советы по учебе в нашем блоге.
        Полезные материалы.
      • Бесплатная консультация.
        Затрудняешься с выбором темы или составлением плана работы? Мы поможем!
        Бесплатная консультация.
      Практика студента – с нами твоя учеба станет легче и приятнее!